
Goalkeeper training videos download
Goalkeeper training videos download

  1. #Goalkeeper training videos download full size
  2. #Goalkeeper training videos download series

Complete more rounds if desired, or if the number of repetitions per round is short.

  • Each goalkeeper should complete 3-6 rounds.
  • Switch the sides the serves are on after a few rounds so that goalkeepers work on both ways.
  • If multiple goalkeepers are present, keep the repetitions to 2-3 before quickly rotating in the next goalkeeper. If the goalkeepers are fit, give them no time to reset in-between repetitions.
  • Depending on the age, fitness level, and number of goalkeepers present, give the working goalkeeper a few seconds to reset before completing the process again for another 2-3 repetitions.
  • goalkeeper training videos download

    The goalkeeper dives and attempts to block, or catch the ball.

  • Immediately after the low shot, the goalkeeper gets up and quickly moves towards the other post while server #3 throws a ball high to the post the goalkeeper is moving towards.
  • Server #2 takes a low, one-touch shot while the goalkeeper attempts to block the shot using their hands or feet.
  • As the ball approaches server #2, the goalkeeper moves towards the receiver to cut off the scoring angles.
  • Server #1 starts the drill with a low pass towards server #2.
  • Decide on the number of soccer balls the goalkeeper will attempt to save before resting.
  • Servers #1 and #3 must have a good supply of soccer balls.
  • Server #3 will stand inside the field, 8-9 yards away from the center of the goal. Server #2 will be positioned inside the field, 6-8 yards off the opposite goal post of Server #1. Server #1 will start on the goal end line, 1-2 yards off on of the goal posts. If there are not three more goalkeepers, players or coaches can be used to fill in the remaining serving positions.

    goalkeeper training videos download

  • Three extra players are needed as servers for this activity.
  • #Goalkeeper training videos download full size

  • One full size goal is needed for the drill.
  • Goalkeepers improve their quickness and agility as they attempt to block shots. Purpose:ĭevelops goalkeepers’ ability to move back and forth across the goal to block shots. The goalkeeper working attempts to block a low shot at one post before quickly getting up and moving across the goal to block a high shot at the far post.

    #Goalkeeper training videos download series

    Switch the footwork used through the series of cones after each round.

  • Each goalkeeper should complete three rounds.
  • If there is more than one goalkeeper, rotate them in and continue the activity.
  • After the goalkeeper completes their round, rest and recover any lost soccer balls.
  • After throwing the ball back to the second server, the goalkeeper runs backwards, using the proper footwork, to their starting point in front of goal before repeating the same process until they complete 8-12 catches.
  • The goalkeeper catches the ball and immediately throws it back to the server before quickly shuffling across to the outside of the other mannequin where they will repeat the same process.
  • As soon as the goalkeeper arrives outside the first mannequin, the server standing behind that mannequin drop kicks the ball towards the goalkeeper’s chest.
  • After completing the series of cones, the goalkeeper quickly moves to the outside of the nearest mannequin.
  • The goalkeeper in front of the goal begins by quickly moving through the series of cones in front of the goal.
  • Give each server 3-5 extra soccer balls.
  • goalkeeper training videos download

    Have the two servers stand 4-5 yards off each mannequin with a ball in their hands. Two extra goalkeepers, players, or coaches are needed as servers to complete this drill.One goalkeeper starts on the goal line.If mannequins are not available, cones can also be used.

    goalkeeper training videos download

    Set up two mannequins, about 6-7 yards apart from each other, at the end of the series of cones.See the diagrams below for different variations. Set up series of cones in front of the goal.If a goal is unavailable, this drill can be completed without one. Using a goal also keeps the soccer balls close in case a catch is missed. It is best to do this in front of a full-size goal for goalkeepers to get more comfortable with their box.Purpose:ĭevelops a goalkeeper’s footwork and agility while focuses on soft hands and improving their catching abilities. A goalkeeper works through a series of cones and sticks before attempting to catch soccer balls that are kicked at them from short distance.

    Goalkeeper training videos download